Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools

Alexa SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tools

Alexa Page Ranking Tool: This is a great tool that allows you to check the traffic ranking that alexa offers, the more optimized your site is for alexa page ranking tool the more traffic you will receive through their search engine. This site also supports multiple domain checking, or you can upload a text file with all domains you are checking, and it will return the given result for your query.

Alexa Ranking: This alexa ranking tool is very powerful, and is great for checking multiple domains at one time.

Alexa Relations Rank Check: A more complex SEO tool offered by 123promotion you can check the ranking for certain time frames up to 1 week, 1 month, and 3 month average. Also this supports multiple domain checking.

Alexa Relations Rank Check 2: A similar tool from the one above. Offered by a different company.

Alexa Rank Comparison Tool: Alexa ranking comparison tool.

Alexa Ranking Tool from Eversoft: Another awesome alexa ranking tool.

Alexa Rank Tool: Another Alexa ranking tool that is provided by, compares up to 10 domains.

Alex Ranking Tools (Iwebtool): Nice Alexa ranking tool provided by iwebtool, supports a maximum of 5 domains.

Back Link SEO Tools

Back Link Checker: Back link checker from Jim Boykin, very nice tool enter the url in, and shows all the desired links anchor text, might be a bit slow, but its well worth it. Another good thing about it is that it only shows unique links that are linked to you, so it won't show a bunch of spammy websites, or anything to that nature.

Back Link Checker with PR: This is a backlink checker from iwebtools, it shows all the pr for each link tied into a website, but I think they have a cap on how many results it shows because it only goes to the 3rd page, and stops, but overall its still a great tool to use, and some might prefer this over other ones.

BackLink Anchor Text Analyzer: Backlink Anchor text generator from webconfs.

Code Validation(Search Engine Optimization) Tools

W3C Schools Validator: W3C School Validator checker.

Google SEO Tools

Advanced Google Search Methods:An advanced google search for web developers.

Google Key Ranking Tool: This is a free google ranking tool.

Google Data Center Watch: Show different ranking for different datacenters on google search sites.

Google Rank Position: Shows google rank position, pr level, number of entries, dmoz listing, and more.

Google Analytics: I think this is the best thing Google has come out with, it blows awstats away, and shows unique visitors pratically up to the mintue, I would give it a try or sign up.

Google Line Results: Shows line results at google, description, and links are not showed.

Google Rankings: Shows google rank position for url/keyword entered only for first 1000 results.

Google SERP Checker: Google SERP checker, checks googles datacenter for serps.

Keyword Suggestion SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tools

Free Meta Keyword Tools: A keyword research tool.

Keyword Popularity Tool: Search overture, and more.

Keyword Search Tool: Displays keyword data using wordtracking and google search results

Google Suggest Labs: Shows SERP level while enter keyword, nice tool.

Keyword Term Search: Search overture in multiple countries, plus more.

Keyword Research Tool: Tool returns similar keywords found in the meta keywords of sites searched by your choice of 9 search engines.

Search Term Suggestion Tool: Shows keyword search frequency, and overture for provided keywords. Mainly Yahoo/MSN.

Keyword Suggestion Tool: Keyword Searches for overture.

Keyword Generator: Searches PPC database.

Google Keyword Suggestions: Nice Tool, show popularity of certain keyword phrases, but this has not always been fully accurate from what I have discovered, but if you leran to read the meters, and check serps you will be okay.

Keyword Analyzer SEO Tools

Keyword Generator Tool: Generate Keywords form your website, and more.

Keyword Denisty Anylyzer: Anaylyze the denisty of your keywords on your website.

Keyword Density Analyzer: Analyze the denisity of your keywords from multiple pages at once.

Keyword Denisty: Enter keywords, and will show denisty for required keywords queried.

Keyword Density Tool: Generate keyword density from one to three words long.

Keyword Density Analyzer: Enter URL - Shows webpage stats, pr level, and more.

Google Dual Original: Good for checking plural and singluar keywords.

Keyword Density Analyzer: Enter url, and show density of keywords. From one, two, and three words long.

Social Bookmarking (Search Engine Optimization) Tools

Social Bookmarker: Bookmark all your articles to popular social bookmarking sites all at once.

Only Wire Social Bookmarker: Only Wire submission tool, submit to multi social bookmarking units.