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Discussion Boards (Forums)
Meet other members, get advice, and share and find information. A forum is a discussion or message board site that typically centers around a particular theme, and allows visitors or members of the forum community to post a topic of discussion (usually a question) to facilitate response posts from others. Forums are often built with the aim of creating a community that shares knowledge and experience of a particular topic to support other members. Forum applications are recommended for more experienced beginners to expert Web users.
What is a Discussion Board or a Forum?
Also known as an Internet forum, it is a message posting site that typically centers on a particular theme, and allows visitors or members of the community to post a topic of discussion (usually a question) to facilitate response posts from others. From a technological standpoint, it is now the modern equivalent of a traditional bulletin board. Forums or boards are web applications managing user-generated content. Forum applications are recommended for more experienced beginners to expert Web users.